The Circus

Akuji marwood

Take a seat, look around, do whatever!
Or Akuji Marwood/Clyde! If you know me from ToyHouse its Akuji, anywhere else is Jester, and Clyde is just my name...
I am a 19 year old trans artist and writer! I write what I draw and I draw what I write! I am free to talk, thecircusjester or previously CircusJester#1815, I can talk about anything if you need someone to listen to your troubles or if you want to infodump or whatever!I am not at all active on any socials though, so you can only find what I draw on ToyHouse or ArtFight. Though ArtFight is only once a year so its not reliable for what I can do now.
I mostly theme around circus and clown stuff, but I do have character groups for different themes.

( Written by Clyde, 19, He/him )


  1. DO Ask me questions? Talk to me about me characters? About their lore??? Ask me about my favorite video games so I can tell you to listen to the Banjo Kazooie sound track while staring at nothing?

  2. MAYBE Ask me to draw something for you FREE FUCKING FREE I DONT DO COMISSIONS I DONT KNOW HOW DONT PRESSURE ME! Or art trade?

  3. DONT cross my boundries. I dont have alot, especially nothing people I dont know can do. Literally just no fetish art related to feet or bodily waste. Im fine with anything else NSFW just not that. please.

  1. DO Consider looking at my ArtFight? I revenge every attack! Or if you have a clown I'll probably draw them!

  2. MAYBE attack with anything your heart desires! I dont have anything i wont like in mind, just look at my maybes and donts theres not alot of maybes and donts

  3. DONT attack things that are illegal or hateful! or against ArtFight rules

  1. DO Look at my characters on ToyHouse! I put every character I made or is made for me there with a ton of work in progress bios because I never get around to actually making them!

  2. MAYBE in the future look at the literature area, I am making a virtual book that are a group of small stories of each character being created (Sounds complicated but its not)

  3. DONT expect much from me I really am sooo slow at creating these planned characters and bios


left facing Protags!

click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want

The Circus Jester
of The Coulrophobia
FULL NAME Clyde M Night
ALIAS Jester/candy/little jester/boss man
Age and gender 21 and a Manly man
PORTRAYAL Canon-Compliant
SHORT INTRO Long story short, My head hurts I cannot think of how to make it sound good or makes sense. So, His only safe space as a child was his uncles circus, his uncle died and now his story is just like sweeney todd. He is killing everybody just to get to the person who killed his uncle. He never forgave her, but he also never killed her
VERSES 01 I dont understand. What's going on.
VERSES 02 He stays at the circus all the time with his shnooky wooky wookems and torments his workers but they love him so they accept it

King of Neptune
of Experiment Bear
ALIAS Chev/Herpy/dead man/shad
Age and Gender25 yr trans king trans king
PORTRAYAL Canon-Compliant
SHORT INTRO So like he is a king and not just that, but a LITERAL trans king, AND the king of neptune??? He doesnt want to be king so he ran away and fell into a uranus dumpter... And is being hunted by the other rulers of planets. Ok I love that I made him trans but I'll be so real I only did it because I already made him and then looked up the planets supposed genders and refused to change him to match.
VERSES 01 His whole purpose was to look for his partner and when he found them he's like well I got this far I may as well continue!
VERSES 02 He is strategic when avoiding the other planet lords, but his team is really strategic to accidently get in his way and almost get him killed a bazillion times
extra detail He's a pale blue I dont know if i recolored him yet though maybe one day

Peachy Blueberry
of MizRitz
ALIAS Peach/blue/berry
Age and Gender 18 and its like really indefinite what their gender is its not set in stone. Not created to be like that, Im just indecisive on this
PORTRAYAL Canon-Compliant
SHORT INTRO Technically in their story there is no protag but they were my first OC to be given their story... Also I havnt really thought of his story enough to give a better BIO

AkujiMarwoodFULL NAME Akuji Help Marwood
ALIAS Akuji/Creator/Goblin/tree bitch
Age and Gender 19 and mirror (Their identity mirrors the others around them)
PORTRAYAL Canon-divergent
SHORT INTRO They are an OC I created to be me. Simply to put it, I created Akuji to be the face and name of my writing. In lore they have created all of my OCs, they are in my head giving me the ideas as I lend a hand bringing them to life.
VERSES 01 Its a strange world to be randomly brought in. Created with no seen purpose except to create his own.
VERSES 02 Creating so much can be exhausting, and now I lack the motivation to continue when I have the names without a face

right facing Antags!

click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want

of The Coulrophobia
FULL NAME Alice Jones
ALIAS Alice/Calamity
Age and Gender 24, woman
PORTRAYAL Canon-Compliant
SHORT INTRO She was thought to have killed Jesters uncle, so Jester took revenge. It took years and with the help of her brother too! She was supposed to be killed too but Jesters uncle showed that he wasnt actually dead so now shes like there to be used to execute plans and shit.
VERSES 01I no feel like it

King of Saturn?!
of Experiment Bear
ALIAS just Sanchus...
Age and Gender 32 male
PORTRAYAL Canon-Compliant
SHORT INTRO Once upon a time there was a King from Neptune that ran away because he didnt want the responsibility. He thought he was deemed unworthy. No excuses, Sanchus took in upon himself to hunt said king! And as a way this king fought back he blasted Sanchus with some living shadow as something only experiments get and managed to escape from there.
VERSES 01 He was quite fond on the way he looked. In fact everyone did! The residents of Saturn all have pride in their appearances and he is no exception. He loved his hair, his skin, his eyes, his face, and most importantly his crown! When Chevron took half of that away (plus his crown) He became even more determined to finally catch that roach.
VERSES 02 He refused to allow the rest of the planets decide to quit hunting chevron, They were thinking of it because Neptune residents requested it. He still goes against orders and hunts him down. Chevron doesn't know about any of this.

of MizRitz
FULL NAME Ischemic and Mour
ALIAS Whatever
Honestly MizRitz doesnt have an antaganist, theyre the closest thing and I have NOT thought about them since 2018

of specials
FULL NAME Gold Duck on Wheels
um also not really an antaganist, especially not to Akuji but I didnt know what else to add so lets add the God all my characters warship...... Maybe I will change it! Idk I also made this back near 2018